Monday, October 24, 2005

Malcom...err....Jeanne in the Middle

I am caught between two worlds. I am trapped between adolescence and adulthood. I certainly don't feel like a kid anymore...and yet very rarely do I feel like an adult. For lack of a better term we will call this period of life "adoleshood." If you are anywhere close to my age I believe you will be able to identify with this phase of life. Not sure if you fit into this category? If you answer yes to one or more of the following statements you are currently caught in adoleshood.

1. When making decisions at work you catch yourself thinking, "Am I really qualified to do this?"
2. You are now expected to understand and be able to decipher things like insurance, medical billing, and cell phone contracts. However, if someone actually asked you to explain any of those you would say, "I don't know. Hold on and I'll call my dad."
3. Even though it has only been between 5 and 7 years since you graduated from high school, it feels more like 15 or 20 years.
4. You realize that you are closer to 30 than you are to 20, and it makes you feel really old (even though the rational part of your brain tells you that you are still young).
5. Phone calls with your parents are frustrating because they sometimes tend to treat you like you are still 16. You must remind them that you are a twenty-something career woman who pays all her own bills and successfully makes life-decisions.
6. Phone calls with your parents are frustrating because they tend to treat you like you are a twenty-something career woman who should know how to pay her own bills and should be capable of making successful life-decisions.
7. You look around at people your age with marriages and kids and think, "What are they doing? We're not old enough to be married with kids."
8. You realize that you are a twenty-something with no marriage and no kids.
9. It only recently occurred to you that you are allowed to schedule and take trips anywhere you desire to go without first consulting someone.
10. You are sad and relieved at the same time about the reality that you no longer receive a "student discount."

Anyone relate? Yeah...I thought so.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Ah, almost a quarter century...

Yesterday I turned 24. As my sister Krystina kindly pointed out, I am almost a quarter of century old. In honor of that fact, I have decided to make a list of things that I want to do/accomplish before I turn 25. It seems appropriate.

1. Go to Las Vegas and see the fountains at the Bellagio.
2. Have at least 3,000 dollars in my savings account.
3. See at least one really good concert
4. See at least one really good musical
5. Read throught the Bible in it's entirety
6. Learn to drive a stick shift well
7. Being work on my Master's
8. At least begin writing a novel
9. Write a song
10. Study and come to a good understanding of the term "Sacrifice of Praise"
11. Learn to play the guitar well

I have 364 days. I better get busy.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Away Despair! My Gracious Lord doth hear:
Though winds and waves assault my keel,
He doth preserve it: he doth steer,
Ev'n when the boat seems most to reel:
Storms are the triumph of his art:
Well may he close his eyes, but not his heart.