Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss

As if I needed to add to my car saga...

Tonight after church I popped my hood to add water to the cooling system. I found what I least expected. A family of mice and their nest. On top of my engine block. I screamed. So did Lance.

They ran down into my engine. Not out of my engine mind you...but into the engine. The entire way home I kept waiting for a mouse to drop out of the front of the car and onto my foot (you know...the one on the accelerator.) I had to continually give myself a pep talk: "Jeanne, if a mouse drops onto your foot you must remain calm. You cannot kill your stepchildren by freaking out and running into a tree. Remain calm."

As it turns out I made it home without the car breaking down or a mouse trying to eat my foot. However, about three minutes from home Tyler notices an unpleasant aroma. I tell him it is because of the recent fire about 6 miles from our home. But I suspect it is something much more sinister. Cooked mouse.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

So I Think He Can Dance

Go Neil!!

I hope you voted for him.

We shall find out tonight!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Surprise me.

I love it when I listen to a new song and I am surprised by a chord. I'm rockin' along to I - IV - V - I and BAM!

There it is.

A sweet chord.

The kind that makes you smile.

The kind that restores my faith in the creative songwriting process.

mmmmmm. I love it.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

They can definately dance

There are nights when I am not a fan of Mia Michaels. Like her alien bug routine a few weeks ago with Lauren and Neil. Many times I just don't get it.

But tonight...

The dance she choreographed was nothing short of exceptional. Breathtaking, really. In the dance she is reunited in heaven with her father that she lost to cancer two years ago. It was simply unreal the way the dance moved me. Lacey and Neil told the story so beautifully that I couldn't help but sit on my couch in awe and cry.

If you have it on Tivo, stop reading this and go watch it. It's worth it.