Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Working at the car wash...

Dad would be proud. I actually washed my car tonight. I think it must be a guy thing to be so obsessed about having a clean car. On my list of things to do, it isn't very high. But every time I looked at my dirty car I felt guilty. Plus, I knew that one of these days Dad was going to ask if I had washed it and I did not want to have to admit that I had not. So it's done. Although I must say it was a very unpleasant experience...

Since I live in an apartment, I have to take my car to a car wash. But the pressure washers don't get all the buggies off of the car. So I took a bucket and sponge out in the parking lot to get the bugs off before I took it to the car wash. This lady walks by and begins to question my method. Excuse me...but I really don't think it is any of your business how I wash my vehicle. Keep moving - thank you.

Then I actually make it to the car wash. It is a dangerous place. They should really post some warning signs. To start with, the wind kept kicking up and spraying soapy water in my face. Then, the hose kept whipping around and whacking me in the face. I was lucky to get out of there without getting a black eye. No one would have ever believed how I got it.

But my car is clean. For now anyway.


Brad and Lindy said...

I still have pictures of your first ride /through/ a car wash! :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot about that!