Wednesday, June 15, 2005

An Equal Opportunity Clother

A few weeks ago I saw Will Farell on the Oprah show promoting his new movie, "Bewitched." During the course of the interview he divulged a rather odd habit of his: He rotates his wardrobe on an even schedule. He doesn't want to wear one pair of shoes too much, or one shirt more than another. So whatever comes up next in his closet is what he wears, regardless of whether it matches or not. An interesting system to be sure...Yet perhaps Will is on to something.

As I write this I have a direct line of sight into my closet, and my many pairs of shoes. It occurred to me that I have a couple of pairs of shoes that I wear quite often. The other pairs don my feet with little regularity or frequency. And while Will certainly has an unusual and refreshing approach to this problem, I am not sure it is the solution for me. If I showed up to work wearing my black sundress and my brown clogs I would get more than a few stares and snickers. Will Farell can get away with that sort of thing. Me, not so much.


prosario_2000 said...

Will Farrell is one of my favorite comedians. I think his system simplifies things a lot. The problem is if you look OK or not following that system, but I guess that's a matter of taste: if someone puts on a green shirt with pink pants,... I don't know :P

Brad and Lindy said...

They would look like a watermelon.

Anonymous said...

agreed, Lindy.

Brad and Lindy said...

HA! I know what you mean.