Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Our business Administrator sometimes will lovingly refer to the area we live in as "Mintucky." There are several humorous, and several not so humorous reasons for this. The most recent was when I went to our local Bible book store to pick up a music book that I had ordered a week prior. The conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Hello, I'm here to pick up a music book I ordered last week.
Them: Ok, what's your name.
Me: Jeanne Hyde. That's H Y D E.
Them: (lots of typing and staring at a screen) Hmm...we don't seem to have any order under that name.
Me: Ok, well it might be under Carson Valley Christian Center.
Them: (lots more typing and staring at a screen) it an order of erasers?
Me: Um, no. It is a music book.
Them: Hmm...we don't seem to have any record of that order. Who did you speak to?
Me: I don't know what their name was. It was an older gentleman.
Them: Well it appears as though he never processed the order.
Me: Really. How interesting.
Them: When did you need this book?
Me: Tomorrow.
Them: Yeah, we can't have it in by tomorrow. Would you like us to order it again?
Me: No thank you. (That was what I said out loud. What I wanted to actually tell them was exactly what I thought of their one horse operation. None of it positive.)

I then proceed to leave, call every book store within a 50 mile radius - but all in vain. I ended up ordering the book from and paying more in shipping than I paid for the book. Personally, I think I should have billed the Bible bookstore for my shipping costs.

And that folks, is why somedays it feels as though I live in Mintucky.

By the way...only 17 more days.