Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another one bites the dust...

Another one down. We are officially down to one goldfish. Just in case you were wondering, that is.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Top 100 Reasons Why I Love My Husband

(in no particular order)

1. He loves God.
2. He loves me.
3. He won't end a telephone conversation without telling me he loves me.
4. He'll cuddle with me.
5. He makes me laugh with his silly jokes.
6. He'll give me his dinner if I like it better.
7. He takes out the trash without me even asking.
8. He gets excited about little things.
9. He loves cartoons.
10. He can talk his way into any ballpark.
11. He can talk his way into just about anywhere.
12. He can talk his way out of a ticket.
13. He is a really good cop.
14. He looks really cute in his blue uniform.
15. He loves to party.
16. He thinks I'm beautiful even when I am not trying to be.
17. He thinks I'm beautiful even when I am trying to be!
18. He will watch movies I want to watch.
19. He'll share a Coldstone ice cream with me when I know he wants his own.
20. He tries really hard to understand my job.
21. He is my biggest fan.
22. He gives the best hugs.
23. He gives the best kisses.
24. He genuinely wants to serve his community.
25. He loves taking care of his family.
26. He's a big kid.
27. He buys super hero t-shirts and looks really good in them.
28. There is not a selfish bone in his body.
29. He thinks mattresses only cost about 500 dollars.
30. Gummi Bears are his favorite candy.
31. He loves and respects his mom.
32. He likes to grill.
33. He loves sports just enough to be really manly about it.
34. He can make me smile and laugh really hard with his french accent.
35. He loves to take care of me when I am sick.
36. He loves to take care of me even when I am not sick.
37. Let's face it. He's hot.
38. He proposed to me at Wrigley Field!
39. My dad loves him.
40. My sister's think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
41. He is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
42. He is a smart cookie.
43. He knows lots of information about the weirdest things.
44. He can arrest people!
45. He loves his kids.
46. He loves to play X-box.
47. He'll go shopping with me.
48. He's not afraid to put me in my place.
49. His smile brightens my day.
50. He is a good provider.
51. He is a really hard worker.
52. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
53. He is the most generous person I've ever met.
54. His eyes smile.
55. He never gives up.
56. He is tender.
57. He's passionate.
58. He loves to laugh.
59. He understands the importance of carnival food.
60. He loves to learn.
61. He has a humble and teachable spirit.
62. He has big plans for our backyard.
63. He'll watch HGTV with me.
64. He doesn't complain too much when I want to watch the style network...
65. He doesn't steal the covers! :)
66. He buys me flowers.
67. He just wants to make me feel special.
68. He makes me feel more loved that I ever have in my life.
69. He is dedicated to family.
70. He has an adventurous spirit.
71. He can keep a secret.
72. He can plan a good party!
73. He's all about marking special moments.
74. He will buy my favorite candy bar if he sees it.
75. He'll fall asleep on the couch but deny he did till the end.
76. He wasn't afraid to make a scary career move because it was good for us.
77. He is the bravest man I know.
78. Did I mention he was hot??
79. He loves milk (so delicious.)
80. My family is important to him.
81. What I think is important to him.
82. He thinks I am a good singer.
83. He respects me.
84. He respects other people.
85. He will help anyone in need.
86. He'll go out of his way to do it.
87. He teaches me to have more fun.
88. He teaches me to be more generous.
89. He makes life more enjoyable.
90. He knows every lyric and author of every song ever written.
91. He'll go to church an hour and half early just to be with me.
92. He loves baked beans.
93. His expression at our wedding. I'll never forget it.
94. His gentleness.
95. His mischievous side.
96. The way he dances.
97. The way he calls just to tell me he loves me and is thinking of me.
98. The way he holds my hand.
99. The way he gives of himself everyday.
100. I love him for who he is. Not what he can do. Just for who you are, Mark.

Two down.

My littel family won four goldfish at the carnival on Sunday. Two have already died. I do not have high expectations for the life expectancy of the other two.

Home Improvements...

My home decorating itch has started. It must be scratched. And scratch it I have.

The last three days I have been painting the largest wall in our living room a really beautiful red color. The official name is "Hawaiian Cinder." But that is just fancy talk for deep, rich red. I finished up my touch-up's this evening...and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. We have one more wall to paint - but I need to borrow a really tall ladder. So I'll have to get to that later.

We also know have curtains in the living room. Hard to believe, I know. I think they look really fantastic...but then I did pick them out. My opinion might be biased.

I'm going to give my deliciously red wall a few days to cure before I start nailing stuff the walls. Besides, I want to think long and hard about what I want to go on the wall. I was wholly unsatisfied with what I previously had going on on that wall...The only thing I am sure of is that pretty much none of what was there before is going to reappear on that wall.

I'm really quite glad that my life has slowed down a smidge to where I have a little room in my brain to start thinking about really setting up shop here at home. I think it will help my state of mind, too. When I have a really beautiful space to come home to the world just seems a little nicer.

You should come over and see the improvements some time. I think you'll like 'em!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

defining moments

The title of my blog. Defining moments. Few of the incidents I right about are actually that. But not so today.

Last night I had the privilege of seeing my husband sworn in as a Police Officer of the City of South Lake Tahoe. A defining moment. It marks the beginning of his official transition from Deputy Sheriff to Police Officer. I am really proud of him.

What made the event even more special was that I got to pin his badge on him.

I love you, Officer Hounsell.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

I had a weird moment this morning. I was helping my husband study for his California POST exam and I had this strange sensation of missing studying. I flashed back to a class I took in college - History and Literature of Music - by far the class that required the most studying of any that I took in my four years there. I made some kick-butt study guides for the tests in that class. I can vividly recall sitting on the floor in my door room with three or four other girls drilling the study guide over and over. I really don't mind that kind of studying. I actually kind of miss it, truth be told.

I'm in an awkward kind of place right now. Not bad. Just awkward. Transitional, really. Our schedule at home is anything but settled and there has been a lot of change lately. I am sure that this all contributes to my feelings of awkwardness. But I have to wonder if part of it is not a failure on my part to feed my mind and my soul. I am a learner. I always have been. The last long while I have been in "get it done" mode. There has been precious little time to just learn something new. To stretch my mind some. Granted, I must take some blame for this. I have had a thousand excuses. Work. Wedding. Family. Sleep.

I have a list of hundred things I would love to learn. Or classes I would love to take. Here's a sampling...

1. I've always wanted to take violin lessons.
2. I'd love to take a photography class.
3. I love American History. I'd enjoy taking an American History class from a good teacher.
4. I should really take up voice lessons again.
5. I would love to take a creative writing class. Who knows...maybe I have a story in me.
6. I would DIE if I could take ballroom dancing.
7. Taking an English Literature class would be fun too.
8. Piano lessons would be great...

Anyway - perhaps you can relate. Are you a learner? Do you get in a funk when you get in "do" mode instead of "learn" mode?

By the way - I got a 98% in my History and Literature of Music class... :)