Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Home Improvements...

My home decorating itch has started. It must be scratched. And scratch it I have.

The last three days I have been painting the largest wall in our living room a really beautiful red color. The official name is "Hawaiian Cinder." But that is just fancy talk for deep, rich red. I finished up my touch-up's this evening...and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. We have one more wall to paint - but I need to borrow a really tall ladder. So I'll have to get to that later.

We also know have curtains in the living room. Hard to believe, I know. I think they look really fantastic...but then I did pick them out. My opinion might be biased.

I'm going to give my deliciously red wall a few days to cure before I start nailing stuff the walls. Besides, I want to think long and hard about what I want to go on the wall. I was wholly unsatisfied with what I previously had going on on that wall...The only thing I am sure of is that pretty much none of what was there before is going to reappear on that wall.

I'm really quite glad that my life has slowed down a smidge to where I have a little room in my brain to start thinking about really setting up shop here at home. I think it will help my state of mind, too. When I have a really beautiful space to come home to the world just seems a little nicer.

You should come over and see the improvements some time. I think you'll like 'em!


Sunny Cain said...

I can't wait to see your improvements! I am really looking forward to getting home!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your pretty red walls!! I just love red. Costco had these really cool shelf, frame, arrangement thingies if you are in need of something to put up..