Wednesday, August 01, 2007

They can definately dance

There are nights when I am not a fan of Mia Michaels. Like her alien bug routine a few weeks ago with Lauren and Neil. Many times I just don't get it.

But tonight...

The dance she choreographed was nothing short of exceptional. Breathtaking, really. In the dance she is reunited in heaven with her father that she lost to cancer two years ago. It was simply unreal the way the dance moved me. Lacey and Neil told the story so beautifully that I couldn't help but sit on my couch in awe and cry.

If you have it on Tivo, stop reading this and go watch it. It's worth it.


Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more. That dance was absolutley amazing and beautiful. I think you're right that "breathtaking" is the right word for it. I watched it twice last night and will watch it again today.

Anonymous said...

Mia Michaels rocks!!! I LOVE Neil too. ALthough Lacey is totally awesome, I'm rooting for Neil and Sabra.. How about you??

Jeanne said...

I want Neil or Lacey to win. Really, as long as Lauren gets voted off soon I would be happy with any of the remaining dancers winning... :)