Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss

As if I needed to add to my car saga...

Tonight after church I popped my hood to add water to the cooling system. I found what I least expected. A family of mice and their nest. On top of my engine block. I screamed. So did Lance.

They ran down into my engine. Not out of my engine mind you...but into the engine. The entire way home I kept waiting for a mouse to drop out of the front of the car and onto my foot (you know...the one on the accelerator.) I had to continually give myself a pep talk: "Jeanne, if a mouse drops onto your foot you must remain calm. You cannot kill your stepchildren by freaking out and running into a tree. Remain calm."

As it turns out I made it home without the car breaking down or a mouse trying to eat my foot. However, about three minutes from home Tyler notices an unpleasant aroma. I tell him it is because of the recent fire about 6 miles from our home. But I suspect it is something much more sinister. Cooked mouse.



Unknown said...

Oh my word. Yuck indeed. You probably have about the most impressive car saga that I've ever heard. And such a cast of characters. Mice now! Of course, you won't be able to put that nice little disclaimer about "no animals were harmed during filming" when you roll credits.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jeanne... I'm really surprised that they were able to take up residence in there with all of the opening and closing of the hood that's been going on. I feel for you sister. I would have NOT been able to drive knowing that a mouse might jump out onto me. My sister April is selling her Yukon? As far as I know no rodents are residing in it...

Jeanne said...

Tell me about it. I didn't really even feel bad that I probably killed some mouse. I should feel guilty or something.

I would love a Yukon but have a feeling it a teensy bit out of my price range! :)

Becki said...

Yikes! That is gross. I wonder what the mechanic will say when he finds the mice. :)