Sunday, July 29, 2007

One of those days.

Yup. Just one of those days.

My car's broken. Again. I got home this afternoon, parked it in the rocks (it's leaking oil now so I'm not allowed to park in the driveway), and it promptly overheated, spurted steam everywhere and dumbed the contents of my cooling system on the ground. Again. I wanted to scream.

Mark pulls in the driveway 30 seconds later. I yell for him to come see. The first thing he says?? "Well, good thing you aren't parked in the driveway. That would have made a mess."

WHAT? I'm sorry...I am now without a vehicle AGAIN and the first thing he thinks about is the cement in the driveway. And honestly, I can't understand why it matters what the cement in the driveway looks like. It's a driveway. You drive on it. It's gonna get dirty.

At this point I have no idea what to do about the car. It has been in the repair shop twice now in the last three weeks and this is still happening. So I do what any girl would do. I called Dad.

He was no help. "Well Jeanne, it sounds like a really slow leak that is going to be hard to find."

He tells me to fill it with water and drive it till it comes up to temperature, but hopefully not overheating, so I can try and pinpoint where the leak is. I'm sorry...but on my list of things to do when I got up this morning that was SSSSOOOOOOO not on it. As if I want to go drive my unreliable car around so I can possibly strand myself on the side of the road in 100 degree weather so I can possibly try and ascertain where this tiny little leak is. I may have picked up some auto repair skills from my father but that was NOT ONE OF THEM.

Rewind. Mark and I are in the driveway watching my car steam and spit. He tells me he's glad I didn't get his driveway dirty. I want to kick him. But I can't do that. So what do I do? I start kicking my car. Hard. I was really trying to dent it. Had I been holding a bat I probably would have used it. But I wasn't so I had to use what was available and that was my foot. It sorta hurt but I was oddly satisfied having kicked it. My dad would not have approved. Neither did Mark.

Yup. Just one of those days.

Arrrggghhhh Matey!

It's a really long story.

Here's the short version:

About a month ago Tyler was at a birthday party and got shot in the eye with a foam dart. He was sorta devastated, but really fine.

Later that evening while trying to get him to fall asleep (the poor guy was having a rough night) he confesses to me that he is still really upset about his eye and thinks an eye patch will heal it.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I don't have an eye patch to give you."
"Well can we go to the store and get one?"
"Not's already really late."
"Sure, tomorrow."

It's not Halloween. We couldn't find an eye patch. More devastation for our six year old. Mark convinced him that we could make him an eye patch if he really wanted something to cover his eye. He assured us it wasn't as good as the real thing, but that it was better than nothing. The picture details what we came up with.

He was happy. But asked that we remove it 15 minutes later. We couldn't help but laugh.

You can bet this picture is coming back out when his first girlfriend comes around... :)

mmmmm meat

I don't like spaghetti. I have no idea why because I love all other sorts of pasta. Just not spaghetti. My husband loves spaghetti. With lots of sauce. And lots of meat.

And although I do not love spaghetti I love my husband. So I made spaghetti for dinner the other night. Here is Mark enjoying the meal. He was so happy at dinner that I just had to take his picture. (the bowl to the right of his plate is the extra meat I didn't put in the sauce. Hence another reason he was so happy. A whole bowl of meat just for him.)

Going to the chapel and we're....

...Gonna get married.

Admittedly, I am little late on the Dad-Vegas wedding post. Better late than never, I guess.

I'll post some pictures...but here are a few highlights.

*Getting to spend some time with long distance family. 'Nuff said.
*Spending time with my sister Krystina who lives an ocean away! I miss her.
*Seeing my Dad happier than I have seen him a very long time. Jeri is a good woman.
*Getting to spend some quality time with my husband (Some days I have to carry a picture around of him just so I can remember what he looks like...)
*Eating "dinner" with Mark in a casino cafe at 2:00 am. And having a gay waiter named Elvis. (the irony of having a waiter named Elvis in Vegas was almost too much for me to handle!)
*Going to see Stomp with Mark and Krystina on Friday night. I highly recommend the show!
*Getting to stand up with my Dad as he got married (at 11:30 at night!).
*Leaving Carson Valley for a few days! :)
*Going to the Wax Museum in the Venetian (see Mark with the Rock...)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

525,600 minutes...


Today is exactly one year from the day that we went on our first date. I don't often sit and think about that day anymore as so much has happened since then. However, today is a day to remember...

I remember being nervous. And I remember wanting to back out. But I also remember this nagging feeling that if I did back out that I would be missing out on something fantastic. My nagging feeling was probably the Holy Spirit. And it was true - had I turned you down I would have missed out on the greatest blessing of my entire life - you.

I remember early in the afternoon waiting for you to call and set up the details of time and place for the evening. I remember the feeling when I saw an unfamiliar number on my phone and knowing it was you. Being scared to pick up but really curious as to what you had to say. I remember our conversation and thinking how nice you were - and that it wasn't that hard to talk to you after all.

I remember sitting at my kitchen table with Sunny and waiting for you to pick us up. Wondering what in the world we were going to have to talk about. Curious as to why you picked me. Wondering if you knew how old I really was. Not knowing if you were going to want to go out with me again after that night. Not believing that it was my life that this was happening to. You rang my doorbell. My life changed forever.

I'll probably always remember what you had on that night. And where we sat in Applebee's. And how nice you were. Probably the nicest guy I had ever met. And such a gentleman! Sunny and I thought you were too good to be true. That no one could be that much of a gentleman. Or that nice.

But it was true. I married the nicest, kindest, most chivalrous man on earth. You are everything you said you were that night and more. I'm so glad you picked me. I'm so glad I said yes.

Happy One Year Anniversary, Mark. I love you.
