Sunday, July 29, 2007

Going to the chapel and we're....

...Gonna get married.

Admittedly, I am little late on the Dad-Vegas wedding post. Better late than never, I guess.

I'll post some pictures...but here are a few highlights.

*Getting to spend some time with long distance family. 'Nuff said.
*Spending time with my sister Krystina who lives an ocean away! I miss her.
*Seeing my Dad happier than I have seen him a very long time. Jeri is a good woman.
*Getting to spend some quality time with my husband (Some days I have to carry a picture around of him just so I can remember what he looks like...)
*Eating "dinner" with Mark in a casino cafe at 2:00 am. And having a gay waiter named Elvis. (the irony of having a waiter named Elvis in Vegas was almost too much for me to handle!)
*Going to see Stomp with Mark and Krystina on Friday night. I highly recommend the show!
*Getting to stand up with my Dad as he got married (at 11:30 at night!).
*Leaving Carson Valley for a few days! :)
*Going to the Wax Museum in the Venetian (see Mark with the Rock...)


Brad and Lindy said...

Hey! Tell your dad congrats for me! What a fun time you must've had. :)

Jeanne said...

I will do that! We had a blast.

Anonymous said...

i see, spending time with me doesn't make the list.