Friday, July 07, 2006

Well, Dad has come and gone. It was great to see him if only for 2 days. He delivered my car (which by the way is simply heaven), took me to a movie (I do not recommend the Devil Wears Prada), bought me an electric skillet (Whoo kitchen items), and made me pancakes and sausage. It was delicious. He even made me extra so I could enjoy leftovers. What a nice Dad I have.

My sister's boyfriend is going to sell the Green Machine for me. He gets a commission for it, but I decided that it was worth it to not have the hassle of trying to sell it. I'm all about less hassle. I cleaned all of my things out of it the other night, and I was feeling oddly nostalgic. I'll admit it: I'm a sentimental fool. I've been a lot of places in that car. I moved across the country in that car. I have a lot of memories wrapped up in the Green Machine. And so even though I certainly did not want to keep her, I was sort of sad to see her go. Time to move on.

I had this horrible dream last night that my sister (no, not you Nina) was being really mean and made me cut my hair. It was odd. I woke up really relieved that I still had my nice haircut. I called her this morning to recount my tale and she promptly apologized for being cruel in my dream. That's what every good sister should do - apologize for what happens in my subconscious.

In other exciting news, I am having a CD player installed in my car in the morning. I'm very excited. Carson Valley has painfully awful terrestrial radio. I've been dying having to listen to it...and I spend most of my time fishing through the channels trying to find something good to listen to. I am eventually going to have XM Satellite Radio installed - but that purchase is going to have to wait a bit. I'll be satisfied with a CD player for now. :)

And that has been my life this week. What's been happening in yours?


Jeanne said...

ANYTHING is better than the terrestrial radio here. the Christian stations are so bad they are embarrassing.