Saturday, April 01, 2006

Seriously, what?

Here are some random moments from my life as of late:

I finally got internet and cable at my apartment. But I want to go on the record as saying that I believe it is completely irrational that the cable company has this notion that people have huge chunks of time to sit around the house and wait for them to show up. Frustrating does even begin to describe that whole process. I'm sure most of you can relate.

We have the majority of our Easter set constructed. It is actually deceptively simple. A black scrim with a raised 12x24 platform behind it. Easter is going to rock this year. I helped Dave hang the scrim - and it was actually a lot of fun. It was something out of my normal routine; and I got to climb up on some scaffolding. At one point, I was up at the top and Dave was handing up a plank/platform thing. I was kneeling on another platform trying to hold onto the plank while he climbed up to help - He tried to convince me it would be easier if I stood up. I looked down (big mistake) and decided that I was just fine where I was! We did, however, get everything done and I escaped relatively unscathed. (I am sporting a few bruises caused by the actual construction of the scaffolding.)

Life is flying by at the speed of light. I can hardly believe that it is April. A year ago today I was in China. It really doesn't seem possible - and yet it is. Before I know it summer will be here. (Although with the weather we have been experiencing lately I kind of wonder if summer will ever come.)

I bought a classic movie from my childhood: "The Cutting Edge." There is something about that movie that never gets old for me. Like a child, if I like a movie enough I can watch it numerous times in succession and not tire of it (A recent example would be Pride and Prejudice. I probably watched it 9 times before I lent it out). I'm the same with books. If I read it, and liked it, I'll probably read it again soon. That is one reason I never feel guilty about purchasing movies or books. I only buy the ones I like, and I don't own a movie or book that I have watched or read more than once.

I love my new apartment. I'll try and remember to post some pictures soon.


Brad and Lindy said...

1. Scrim is amazing, isn't it? I'm putting ours back up for easter, except it's white. And I just ordered spandex shapes to layer in front of it. You and I are SO 21st century..haha

2. We had an unbelievably warm weekend. It reached 78 on Friday. Now it's gray with a threat of snow tomorrow night.

3. Toe pick!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of being a "church techie".

Thanks for your help in putting up the scrim. Really... THANKS!

Most people don't have a clue, what goes on "behind the scenes", or how people can risk their lives at such heights. : )