Sunday, May 21, 2006

I have been thinking quite a bit on relationships lately and although I am far from being an expert, I have come to a few conclusions. First and most obvious, they are important. When God said that it is not good for man to be alone I don't believe that He was speaking exclusively about the husband-wife relationship. We were created to know and be known by God and one another. God Himself is community. He is triune. Relationships are important.

Second, only you can decide which relationships will be important to you. No one can make this decision for someone else. I decide Jesus is important to me. I decide my family is important to me. The burden rests at my feet alone.

Third, relationships take work and energy or they die. All relationships. Family. God. Friends. Spouses. Co-workers. No relationship is exempt. They are an intentional effort for all involved. Deciding not to give someone your time, energy and heart is telling that person they are not important to you. And like a rose in the desert, it will die.

Fourth, relationships are worth the effort. I may not always feel like believing this, but God's word clearly teaches it. Think for a moment about the ultimate relationship: Us and God. He thinks we are worth the effort. So much so that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. So much so that the sin that separates me from Him was nailed to cross so I could know Him. So much so that He conquered death so I could have life. God believes relationships are worth the effort. I will too.