Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sisters and Tower of Power

Today was a really fun day. Most days at work have elements that are really fun. But almost all of today was a blast. Dave calls me a few minutes before staff today (Dave is on vacation) and tells me that we (we meaning our Creative Arts Team) needs to cancel our meeting and go with him to Reno to watch the Maytan Soul Band perform at a grade school assembly. I'm totally game. I told him I'd talk to Steve and get back to him. The point of the trip would be to network with other musicians in the area. Introduce ourselves, show support for what musicians in the Carson-Reno area are doing. Dave is the one with the connection with the band. He met them at a rehearsal they had a few months back.
Here's something I love about our Creative Arts Pastor, Steve - He's totally flexible, game for adventure, and passionate about people in our community. Hence, when I told him about Dave's idea, he was completely game. And in a matter of minutes our meeting had become mobile, the decision made to travel to Reno and watch the band.
Here's another thing I love about my job. I get the privilege to work with really smart, talented people. It is a pleasure to simply talk with them. The hour drive to Reno was fun simply because it gave us all an uninterrupted hour to talk about ministry. It was great. I feel like the trip was worth it simply for that time in the Suburban. But I digress.
The concert was short (it was grade school children, afterall) but AWESOME. There was a full horn section and rhythm section, and a vocalist. They really were unbelievable musicians. After the concert we introduced ourselves to the band and chatted for a few minutes.
Seriously, who has a better job than I do? Who else would get to take a roadtrip on a Wednesday to go to a gradeschool assembly?
Try not to be too jealous.


Anonymous said...

I know. It's very hard.