Friday, May 05, 2006

See Ya Later, Green Machine!

I am getting a "new" car! New to me, anyway. My Green Machine is on its last leg - it leaks oil like there's no tomorrow and it gets about 11 miles to the gallon. I might as well be driving some stinkin' SUV.

Anyway, here is another reason why I just love my Dad. He is the person who found said car. It is a 1999 Ford Taurus SE. White. Not a spot of rust, and it doesn't leak a thing. My dad was all worried about buying a car that I haven't seen. Wondering if it would be pretty enough. I told him that as long as it didn't LEAK ANY FLUID that I was a happy camper. Until today the car was a company car for some business that my dad does business with, or something...My dad is going to drive it for a few weeks, fix any bugs, and then drive it out to me at the end of May. Life does not get much better, folks. Above is a picture of what my car will look like - try not to be too jealous.


Anonymous said...

Krystina!!!! I MISS YOU!

Jeanne said...

I would suffer from guilt for the rest of my life.

Brad and Lindy said...

I WOULDN'T!! Krystina, I'll visit you any stinkin time you want! ;)

You're dad is the bestest.